
来源:https://www.sucaihuo.com/js/1697.html 2017-04-11 23:05浏览(1035) 收藏

分类:其它特效 > 动画效果 难易:初级
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$(document).ready(function () {
	// Tells if the app is ready for user interaction
	var ready = false,
			// Tells the app if the user is dragging the pointer
			dragging = false,
			// Stores the pointer starting X position for the pointer tracking
			pointerStartPosX = 0,
			// Stores the pointer ending X position for the pointer tracking
			pointerEndPosX = 0,
			// Stores the distance between the starting and ending pointer X position in each time period we are tracking the pointer
			pointerDistance = 0,

			// The starting time of the pointer tracking period
			monitorStartTime = 0,
			// The pointer tracking time duration
			monitorInt = 10,
			// A setInterval instance used to call the rendering function
			ticker = 0,
			// Sets the speed of the image sliding animation
			speedMultiplier = 10,
			// CanvasLoader instance variable
			// Stores the total amount of images we have in the sequence
			totalFrames = 180,
			// The current frame value of the image slider animation
			currentFrame = 0,
			// Stores all the loaded image objects
			frames = [],
			// The value of the end frame which the currentFrame will be tweened to during the sliding animation
			endFrame = 0,
			// We keep track of the loaded images by increasing every time a new image is added to the image slider
			loadedImages = 0;
	* Adds a "spiral" shaped CanvasLoader instance to the #spinner div
标签: 动画360全景

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